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德国女摄影师Gabriele Viertel就是一个拍摄水中人像的高手,她的人像作品多以女性为主。模特的服装采用颇具质感的轻纱面料,冷暖色调交替出现,给人一种多变的感觉。



She creates masterpieces based mainly underwater and strives to conserve classic photography while adding surreal elements.Her use of water creates a thought provoking mood, symbolizing the emotions of humanity.....there is a story behind each portrait that intrigues the viewer, prompting the desire to know more.

She has an incredible gift for capturing each person's soul while adding elements of enchantment. Her understanding of human vulnerability is impeccable.

Her photos are unique works of art that will stand the test of time."                                      


selected  online coverage

I came across this female, german photographer based out of the Netherlands in 2012, in an issue of Vogue Italia. For me the photographs were extremely painterly, it is only upon reading about the artist and her technique that I learned that Gabriele Viertel shoots underwater. She likes her subjects to be layered in fabric, thus playing on the interaction of light, fabric, water and the body. These experiments lead to fine-art photography that is pushing the boundaries between painting, performance, fashion and documentation. What I love most about her works is that they to me signify movement and elegance, and more importantly all her photographs, to me, look like dancers in motion. Hence I thought I’d share my favourites with all of you, here as part of 45 Days of  Dance Stories.             DESARTTAKES                           

Dans cette sublime série de photos réalisée par Gabriele Viertel, des femmes enveloppées de soie légère et céleste semblent flotter au fond des abysses. Tels des volutes de fumées, leur longue chevelure et les voiles pastel se répandent dans l’obscurité, laissant l’imagination transportée par une telle poésie visuelle.                                     


Etéreas mujeres flotando en el agua por  Gabriele Viertel

La fotógrafa alemana, radicada en Holanda, Gabriele Viertel captura impactantes retratos de mujeres etéreas flotando llenas de gracia debajo del agua. La fotógrafa autodidacta ha sido presentada en varias publicaciones como Vogue Italia por su bello trabajo, el cuál esta al margen con lo surreal por elementos como reflejos y onditas que distorsionan los cuerpos de las modelos.


The visual artist Gabriele Viertel started as a freelance photographer only in 2011. The series 'follow me to th depths' in 2013 did not go unnoticed and her career was followed by a rapid rising success. Viertel's work has been published worldwide in art - and fashion magazines such as Vogue Italia, were honored with awards, featured by the Museum of Modern Art San Francisco and has been exhibited internationally. The work , often dark and mysterious, shows the unique signature of the artist: inspired by femininity and its gracefulness, the images are always highly expressive, ethereal and aesthetically, with focus at the subject and tension between theme and visual perception. As a lover of performing arts, especially dance, Viertel stages her work meticulously and choreographically. The photographic work initiated a revolution in expressive underwater art and fashion photography. The german artist lives and works currently in the Netherlands.


Gabriele Viertel is a German-born, Netherlands-based photographer. In her photos, female subjects float in a dark abyss. The fabrics of their elegant gowns billow around them, their bodies blossoming like exotic flowers.                                                                                                                                 INSPIRATION-NOW

Stunning Underwater Photography That Will Take Your Breath Away. Mesmerizing.

If you ever fall into a pool wearing a beautiful evening gown, you probably won't look as spectacular as these images show. Unless of course you're a part of Gabriele Viertel's photo shoot set.

Netherlands-based photographer makes bathing in luxurious get-up look like the most beautiful (and easy!) thing ever. While dancing underwater, her models resemble magical creatures from a faraway land. With their flowing hair and gowns they are at once feminine and graceful.                                                                                                                                         APLUS

Gabriele Viertel,德国女摄影师。从设计专业毕业的Gabriele Viertel从2011年才开始作为一个艺术家致力于摄影。她的第一个系列“随我去深渊”起初并没有被关注,直到2013年在纽约的一次展览中,才让她展露头角。她的人像作品多以女性为主在水下拍摄。模特的服装采用颇具质感的轻纱面料,冷暖色调交替出现,有一种古典主义的韵味。即给人一种安静的优美感,又让人感受到了其中的张力。


德国女摄影师Gabriele Viertel就是一个拍摄水中人像的高手,她的人像作品多以女性为主。模特的服装采用颇具质感的轻纱面料,冷暖色调交替出现,给人一种多变的感觉。

Gabriele作品的独特之处在于她经常把水淡化,利用独到的打光技巧营造出水中的另类光影效果,加上黑色背景的点缀,使得照片现代感十足。                                   CHINA

Gabriele Viertel镜头下的婀娜水舞

来源:色影无忌 作者:Gabriele Viertel

德国女摄影师Gabriele Viertel是一个拍摄水中人像的高手,她的人像作品多以女性为主。模特的服装采用颇具质感的轻纱面料,冷暖色调交替出现,给人一种多变的感觉。Gabriele作品的独特之处在于她经常把水淡化,利用独到的打光技巧营造出水中的另类光影效果,加上黑色背景的点缀,使得照片现代感十足。             

【舞蹈摄影欣赏】Gabriele Viertel:婀娜水舞,这可是女摄影的大作

德国女摄影师Gabriele Viertel就是一个拍摄水中人像的高手,她的人像作品多以女性为主。模特的服装采用颇具质感的轻纱面料,冷暖色调交替出现,给人一种多变的感觉。



UNDERWATER FAIRIES foto di Gabriele Viertel

Creature marine che estendono movenze fluide all’infinito e all’indefinito, leggere e sospese nel tempo, silenziose, serene, delicate, eteree e immerse nella loro dimensione ideale.

Sono così le donne rappresentate dalle foto under-water di Gabriele Viertel; discrete e bellissime favole raccontate in silenziosa apnea.


Fotógrafo del Día : Enigmáticas mujeres de Gabriele Viertel. Presente una serie fotográfica “me siguen a las profundidades”.                                                                                               GALERIAFOTOCREATIVA

A sutil beleza da fotografia de Gabriele Viertel

A fotógrafa de arte Holandesa, Gabriele Viertel, tem um belo portfólio , tendo realizado uma variedade de trabalhos para revistas como a Vogue, ela capta tanto moda e a beleza, criando fotos memoráveis ​​que estariam em casa tanto nas capas das principais revistas e como em uma parede do quarto. 

                                           MARTE E PARA OS FRACOS



Her work mainly based on underwater photography beside adding the Optical, Mysterious and Surreal element to form classic Fine art Photography as a final result.                                                                                  PICSSOUND          

De Duitse fotografe Gabriele Viertel neemt adembenemende foto’s en haar beelden sieren al heel vroeg in haar carrière op bladen als de Vogue. Een bijzonder talent die met haar fototoestel de realiteit om tovert tot een droomachtige wonderland.                 ONLINEGALLERY

This highly gifted individual has rightly been honored with fine art and international awards, and her work is currently represented by New York’s Art + Commerce and Subject Matter Gallery in Tokyo.


Fotógrafo del Día : Enigmáticas mujeres de Gabriele Viertel. Presente una serie fotográfica “me siguen a las profundidades”.                                                           GALERIAFOTOCREATIVA

"...foto’s die je met het grootste gemak ‘kunst’ kan noemen – ze creëert kant en klare droombeelden"         DAILY M

"...her gorgeous work, which often borders on the surreal through elements like eerie reflections and ripples that distort the bodies of the models....Pale and elegant, Viertel’s female subjects cast an otherworldly glow against the backdrop of a dark, watery abyss.        


Dramatic, surreal, oneiric and full of emotion – that how we could describe underwater pictures of Gabriele Viertel.


Gabriele Viertel's ethereal underwater photography. A dramatic, chiaroscuro lighting defines her photographs: her models’ pastel-colored dresses and pallid skin appear to glow against the black background."                


...she captures both fashion and beauty, creating memorable shots that would be at home in both high-end glossy magazines and on a bedroom wall.

The images are very feminine and Gabriele is not afraid to experiment.                                                           BONEXPOSÉ

‘The Road to Elysium’ Art Show bringing innovation to Notting Hill        

The London Culturist

Dreamy, Other-Worldly Underwater Photos Of Women In Delicate, Flowing Dresses

Specializing in underwater portraits of women, she is able to create ethereal alternative worlds with her photographs, in which the lovely subjects are complemented by their delicate, billowing gowns that fans out around them.                                                         DESIGNTAXI

"Like wreath of smoke, their long hair and the pastel veils they wear spread out in the obscurity, leaving imagination being transported by such a visual poetry. To discover."                                                  


Surrealist works by Gabriele Viertel

The photographic work initiated a revolution in expressive underwater art and fashion photography.


Stunning Underwater Photography That Will Take Your Breath Away

However Gabriele Viertel, a photographer based in the Netherlands, makes it look like it's the most beautiful (and easy!) thing ever. If you happen to be in London, make sure to check out Gabriele's exhibition on display till the 12th of January.


underwater dream: photographer gabriele viertel

German photographer Gabriele Viertel captures dreamy ghost like images of models underwater. Floating effortlessly creating a sense of elegance, class and surrealism. Passion and performing arts are reflected in her work.                                                                                                                                     kelliebrewsworld

Gabriele Viertel reminds me of Sarah Moon, her fashion photography has been distorted by long shutter speeds and motion blur, creating something familiar into something strange. Strange but beautiful. It is as if these were stills from a cine film, in colour of course for the first one, and this does not go for the last one. The last one is not a photograph of a person, but a photograph of a reflection, and I would love to try this out.



G A B R I E L E  V I E R T E L

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